USA Today Bestselling Author

Chasing Sunsets - South Carolina Sunsets Book 10 (AUDIO)

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Heath Dutton arrives in Seagrove after spending three years traveling the world, painting sunsets to cope with the devastating loss of his wife. He hopes the peaceful beach town will offer the fresh start he desperately needs. On his first night in Seagrove, he meets Dylan, a local boy, and his mother, Julie, who quickly become part of his new circle of friends.

As Heath settles into life in Seagrove, he bonds with the close-knit community, including Julie’s family and the inn she runs with her husband, Dawson. But while Seagrove offers healing, it also brings new challenges, and Heath must decide if he’s ready to let go of the past and open himself to new possibilities.

Chasing Sunsets is a heartwarming story about finding peace, love, and new beginnings in the most unexpected places.

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